Small Penis Humiliation Chat
So you have a dinky, little small penis do you, loser?
In this case ladies will simply mock your little, underweight willie! Indeed you cannot blame them as a small penis is truly a thing to ridicule! After all what hot blooded woman would want to have anything at all to do with such a dwarf dick?!
When did your small penis ever get any action, huh?
Above all, women just love BIG, THICK COCKS – got that now have you, loser? Because what you are packing is really an insult to women! Also small, underweight cocks look totally absurd on a man’s body! So where were YOU when they were handing cocks out – at the back of the queue it would seem!! All in all you know your miserable little dick isn’t going to score you any pussy, quite the reverse!
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However you know that your LITTLE DICK! -can only get hard when it is being ridiculed and mocked by a sexy bitch! In fact your puny penis couldn’t knock the skin off a rice pudding!
So – hands up if yours is less than six inches?!
When a sexy woman takes one look at your little cock all she’s going to do is to piss herself laughing! Basically all women love humiliating sad losers like you with useless tiny dicks.